Just checking in to say hi
Just checking in to say hi

just checking in to say hi

because she may now be thinking that he’s playing games with her, or simply isn’t interested in getting back together with her again). He might then ignore her text for days or a week or more to not seem needy and when he eventually replies she doesn’t reply back (i.e. Well…even though I really want her back, I’m not going to fail her test. So many guys suffer that fate because they lack confidence during the ex back process.įor example: A guy will over-analyze her reasons for texting him and think things like, “Why is she texting me randomly to say hi? What is she up to? I bet she’s just trying to test me to see if I’m going to get all needy and desperate. If you lack confidence, you will doubt yourself, waste too much time texting her and potentially lose her if she meets another guy who she feels much more attraction for. You have to look at any contact from her as being a sign that she is still interested in you and is hoping that you make the ex back process happen.

just checking in to say hi

This is why confidence is so important when getting a woman back. In most cases, the woman will continue to show interest via text, but will gradually lose interest if she notices that he doesn’t have the balls to call her and is waiting for her to say something obvious like, “I want you back. Unfortunately, a guy is still so hurt from the break up that he is scared to act on her subtle hints, so he just keeps texting back and forth with her. She hopes that he will then take the initiative, call her, arrange a meet up, re-attract her at the meet up and get her back. Life has been good, but I have been missing you as well” and she can then open up and say, “I’ve been missing you too.” If she misses him and wants him back, she will hoping that he texts back with something like, “Hey, I’m glad to hear from you. So, to find out where she stands with him now, she will send him a feeler text.įor example: She might randomly text something like, “Hey, I just wanted to say hi.

just checking in to say hi

Will he be confident and get her back? Will he feel insecure? Will he get annoyed at her?). This can be because she’s shy, doesn’t want to make it easy for him to get her back, is afraid of being rejected by him or just wants to see how he reacts if she doesn’t show obvious interest (e.g. In most cases, a woman won’t just come out and tell her ex that she misses him before she knows that he has some feelings for her too. She’s sending out a ‘feeler text’ to see if you’re still interested, before she hints that she is missing you 4 possible reasons why your ex might text you randomly to say hi are: 1.

Just checking in to say hi