The invitation to extend the stay amid the paradisiacal scenarios seems irrefutable. The pleasant climate, with sun all year round, is another factor that attracts an increasing number of tourists. To get there, the car trip is made over bridges and more bridges linking the islands belonging to Florida.Ĭlearwater is the number of piers that seem to have been strategically built to admire the beauty of the sunset. N☁ en Miami, FL, USA en el alquiler de barcos entre particulares o con profesionales. It is one of the most paradisiacal places in all of Florida, fascinating with the turquoise blue water, the white sand and the green of the trees that serve as a frame. Three hours away from Miami, the island of Key West and its beaches have earned the hearts of tourists shortly.

Those who want to enjoy a morning or afternoon sun on the spot should go prepared with snack and water, as it is difficult to find vendors and kiosks there. Nudism is not compulsory, but most people adhere to the lifestyle and spend all day in front of the beauty of the sea without wearing a single piece of clothing. Very beautiful, Haulover Beach is indicated only for the most daring or detached, who do not mind walking in a nudist area. The scenery could not be more charming: the water colored by different shades of green, the white sand and the palm trees fascinate tourists, famous or anonymous. When walking along its extensive boardwalk, it is easy to come across Hollywood celebrities. The name says it all: Hollywood Beach is the favorite of celebrities. South Beach has everything the tourist needs and surely the desire to stay there for long will be inevitable.

Its blue waters are contoured by the white sand and luxurious buildings, where you can walk, stay and make delicious meals. The most famous beach in Miami is also among the best known in the world. In Miami, the sun gives the air of grace the whole year and even during the winter you can enjoy a good sunny day near the sea. The green water calls the sea lovers for a swim. Seeing giant cruises that cruise the Caribbean Sea, motorboats and yachts is quite common there. ¿Qué actividades se pueden realizar a bordo de un yate Son muchas las actividades que se pueden realizar con el alquiler de yates. Strolling through the city you will see several bridges that interconnect the islands, as well as luxurious residences that are in almost private islands and whose access is done by boats. Fuera de Europa, también contamos con una amplia flota, por lo que para tus próximas vacaciones, podrás alquilar un yate en Miami, el Caribe, México, República Dominicana o Colombia, entre otros. The sea is very integrated with the day to day life of Miami. Watching the Miami Beach sands, which are sometimes as busy and crowded as the streets, is a program to keep you on the road. The sea is part of the scenery of the city and gives a good taste of what the waters of the Caribbean are like. Taking a swim in the sea and enjoying pristine beaches are not to be missed in Miami Beach.